ACHS College

Blackout Drunk: Signs, Effects, and How to Stop It

Alcohol-related blackouts are gaps in memory, when you can’t recall what happened while you were intoxicated. Blackouts can happen to anyone who drinks alcohol, regardless of their age or experience with drinking. But sometimes, auditory or visual cues can help a person piece together memories of what happened during a blackout.

Alcohol-induced blackouts can lead to impaired memory of events that transpired while intoxicated, and a drastically increased risk of injuries and other harms. They can occur in anyone who drinks alcohol, no matter their age or level of experience with drinking. In this factsheet, we will take a sober look at this common but deeply concerning consequence of alcohol misuse. For most people, binge-drinking large amounts of alcohol causes them to black out.

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Studies seem to agree that heavy drinking alone doesn’t cause blackouts. Thus, the main cause of a blackout is a rapid rise in blood alcohol, which can be propelled by drinking on an empty stomach or while dehydrated. These effects range in severity from momentary “slips” in memory to permanent, debilitating conditions. It’s thought that chronic alcohol consumption can harm the frontal lobe. This is the part of the brain that controls cognitive function.

Long-Term Effects of Blacking Out

People who are experiencing being blackout drunk often feel similar symptoms to being drunk. They feel carefree, are overly friendly or overly aggressive, have slurred speech and can’t walk straight. Signs that they may be blacking out or are blackout drunk include losing their train of thought, not understanding normal speech and getting confused about recent events. The brain area where short-term memory is formed is the hippocampus.

How much alcohol can cause a blackout?

People pass out when they have had so much to drink that it is like going under anesthesia. Consciousness lapses and people how to wean off alcohol become comatose, unable to be aroused. Blackouts, on the other hand, have no objective signs of their presence and no alteration in the level of consciousness. During a blackout, people can carry on conversations and complete complex tasks.

THC, suboxone mixed with alcohol the psychoactive compound found in marijuana, may also increase blackouts when combined with alcohol. It’s important to remember that a blackout isn’t the same as passing out. Someone who passes out has either fallen asleep or become unconscious because they consumed too much alcohol. Although this part of the brain can build up long-term tolerance to alcohol, this isn’t true of the hippocampus.

  1. The most common type is called a “fragmentary blackout” and is characterized by spotty memories for events, with “islands” of memories separated by missing periods of time in between.
  2. Sleep helps end blackouts because rest gives the body time to process the alcohol.
  3. Contact AAC at to explore your options and take the first steps toward recovery today.
  4. Most men were able to remember the images two minutes after seeing them, but half of the men could not remember them 30 minutes or 24 hours later.
  5. The most common cause of permanent blackouts is thiamine deficiency due to poor diet in chronic alcoholics, called Korsakoff’s Syndrome.

A blackout is a loss of the ability to make memories, but people are still conscious when they’re blackout drunk. They can still walk and talk, although they may do so drunkenly. • It isn’t always apparent to others if someone is in the long covid alcohol intolerance midst of a blackout.

These are defined by the severity of the alcohol consumer’s memory impairment. A blackout ends when your body has absorbed the alcohol you consumed and your brain is able to make memories again. Similar numbers of men and women report blacking out, but men drink much more often and more heavily than women. The logical conclusion is that women are at a greater risk for blacking out than men.